“Dear Sabeeha, I’m sure you’ve seen this. What do you think of it?”
I hadn’t seen it. A colleague of mine, a dear friend, had sent me a text on Facebook Messenger first thing in the morning, with a link to a piece in the New York Times: “How Do I Know Where Your Socks Are?”
Are Pakistani women oppressed?
Yes? No?
Maybe some? Maybe most?
Today is International Women’s Day, and I am celebrating. Whom do I celebrate? Gloria Steinem, Meryl Streep, Malala Yusufzai…ahaaa! I will start with the land of my birth—Pakistan.
If It Looks Like A Duck, Walks Like A Duck, But You Think It’s A Pig. . .
On the street corner with Gloria Steinem
“At my age, most people are dead,” she said to a thunderous applause. “I am 82.”
You just took another look at that photo, didn’t you?
I had walked out of the 900-seat auditorium, wishing I could have seen her a little closer. And who do I run into at the street corner!