On Women’s Day this week, I went through my notes, taken when listening to Gloria Steinem eight years ago. My goodness, she is timeless. But what good are these notes if I don’t if I don’t share these gems.
Read moreOf Socks and Men
“Dear Sabeeha, I’m sure you’ve seen this. What do you think of it?”
I hadn’t seen it. A colleague of mine, a dear friend, had sent me a text on Facebook Messenger first thing in the morning, with a link to a piece in the New York Times: “How Do I Know Where Your Socks Are?”
Are Pakistani women oppressed?
Yes? No?
Maybe some? Maybe most?
Today is International Women’s Day, and I am celebrating. Whom do I celebrate? Gloria Steinem, Meryl Streep, Malala Yusufzai…ahaaa! I will start with the land of my birth—Pakistan.
Can Sexual Harrassment Be Nipped Before It Buds?
Raise your hands if you watched Anita Hill testify at the Senate confirmation hearings of Clarence Thomas.
Raise your hands if you did NOT believe her story then.
Raise your hands if you believe her now.
Now a confession. I did watch the hearings; and I didn’t know what to believe.
Does that make me part of the problem?
What Is The Predictor of Violence?
An evening with Gloria Steinem
I didn’t expect Gloria Steinem to talk about violence; well, I sort of did, but only in the context of domestic violence. But police violence, wars, & terrorism?
What did she just say?
If It Looks Like A Duck, Walks Like A Duck, But You Think It’s A Pig. . .
On the street corner with Gloria Steinem
“At my age, most people are dead,” she said to a thunderous applause. “I am 82.”
You just took another look at that photo, didn’t you?
I had walked out of the 900-seat auditorium, wishing I could have seen her a little closer. And who do I run into at the street corner!