What a year! Need I list it all: disease, loss of life, racial injustice, a bitter election, a nation torn apart. . . . Yet, there have been moments of gratitude. Gratitude, when New Yorkers stepped out of the warmth of their apartments. . . .
Where Were You When You Heard . . .
I was at my desk, doing who knows what on my computer, when I heard the roar of crowds from the streets below. I hope it’s not a protest.
Read moreBattle for America
As the storm clouds gathered across many lands,
America would be safe from the virus at hand.
Ignoring the warnings, declaring it’s fake,
sitting on the sidelines was the approach to take.
And the Winner Is . . .
It’s over
but it isn’t
we made a choice
each of us
we know who America wants
seventy-four million of us
but will he be the one
to lead us
Election 2020 Through the Eyes of a Doorman
“By this evening, the city will empty out. There are rumors that Antifa is coming. It’s been too quiet,” my doorman said to me.
The Uninvited Guest
It’s party time, Guests arrive, Doorbell rings
He enters without waiting, For me to answer the door, Suit, red tie, orange hair
You Never Know
6:00 a.m. Friday
my husband is startled
looks up from his phone
Trump has tested positive
Did I Miss It?
I will vote for Joe Biden
No question . . There is a but
As I sat through it all…I didn’t hear it.
A Letter to My Father
2nd Lieutenant in England in 1951
I have been thinking about the conversations I would have had with you over the past ten years since you left us. Sometimes I have wondered: what would Daddy have said? Sometimes: Did you see his latest Tweet? And these days, it is: It’s a good thing you are not around.
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