He was gone! Shelter-in-Place had been in effect for two days when I ventured out to get some vegetables from the street vendor . . . . He was not there; not him, not his cart. Maybe he is sick.
Read moreDon't Call Me By My Name
“Sabeeha Baji, let me ask you. . .. ,” Uzma Jafri said. “I cannot address you as Sabeeha or my lips will burn.”
They Were Following Orders
Why did the cop push his knee down on Floyd’s neck? Why did they push & shove an old man, and leave him bleeding? Because they know they can get away with it. They know they won’t be prosecuted, and if prosecuted, won’t be convicted.
From the Eyes of a Doorman During Covid-19, Protests & Curfews
The phone rang. “Brad, could you wait for me at the door. I am in a cab.” Brad is not her husband. Brad is the doorman in her building.
“It’s my job to protect the residents,”
Welcome to My Table
I was skeptical at first. I received an email from Shoulder to Shoulder asking me if I would be interested in participating in their program, “Welcome to My Table,” …They were proposing that they pair me up with a family for an interfaith iftar via Zoom.
Miss, Mrs., Ms., or Mx
When I lived in Saudi Arabia, I was ‘wife of Dr. Khalid Rehman.’ Although everyone called me Sabeeha, this was my official name; my official identity–on paper.
Jummah Prayer in the Age of Coronavirus
Imam Feisal A. Rauf gives the Jummah sermon on-line
For most of my life (which is pretty long), I have not been regular in attending Jummah prayers at the mosque. . . An email from Cordoba House hit my inbox: ‘Jummah prayers with Imam Feisal on March 27 via Zoom.’ Yes! I got two-for-one:
Read moreA Letter to My Mother
Dear Mummy, I think of you often during these times. I wonder how you would have reacted to ‘life in the age of Coronavirus.’
Read moreRamadan In the Age of Coronavirus: Virtual Iftars
This year, Ramadan is like none we have experienced. In late April, as we were getting closer to Ramadan, we wondered how, with shelter-in-place, would we make up for the lost communal spirit.
Read moreWhat a Difference a Month Makes
I know now, what I didn’t a month ago. That school closures means that 50% of our school children would have to go without food; children would huddle in the cold under the school’s canopy to access wi-fi; and there would be no home-schooling for the homeless.
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