“What can we do to help Muslims?”
This is the one question I am asked every time I do a book reading or give a talk on Islam.
I was in a church talking to a group of, oh, maybe 70+ people.
My Life On The Streets
Its not what it sounds like. By street life I mean: protests, marches, and rallies. And I have only just begun. First they came for the Mexicans. ‘Put up a wall, keep ‘em out.’ I wasn’t a Mexican,
Read moreLost and Found
This is not about the election. Lets get that out of the way. Last month I lost someone. And yesterday I found someone. Boring? Not election-ee? You may swipe out. But if I may share my grief and joy, read on.
Read moreLets Get Uncomfortable
Please don’t delete me from your digital world while reading this. Give me a chance to explain myself. Let me tell you my problem, and then I’ll share what I feel may be the solution.
I Am An Ostrich
Never again do I want to be surprised by the results of a presidential election.
TO-DO LIST: 2017
Never once in my life did I meet my New Year resolutions—until 2016. Either I set the bar too high, got discouraged at no instant gratification, or simply ran out of steam. What was the one resolution you made year after year, and never met? I will tell you mine: lose weight. Until 2016. No, it wasn’t losing weight—though I actually did—but that wasn’t my resolution. It was the summer of 2014, and I was reading books on how to write a book.
Read moreYou Can't Go Home Again
September 2013. The day we turned in the keys.
I did. For three years, I couldn’t. But last week I went back home. This house had been my home for 33 years. After we sold it, I couldn’t even bring myself to go back to the same street. The mere thought of seeing my house as no longer my house, was more than I could handle.
Read moreQ&A on Hemlines and Hijab
Posted on Twitter by Merav Michaeli @MeravMicheali
Question: What do Saudi Arabia and Israel have in common?
Lets guess:
Monotheistic? No. Well yes, but that is not where I am headed.
Children of Abraham? That too, but no. Keep going.
Guardians? Guardians of the two Holy mosques, and guardians of the Holy Land? Close. Sort of.
I will give you a hint:
Two Prophets; Two Birthdays
Pakistan celebrates the Prophet Muhammad's birthday
It’s the prophets birthdays! Prophet Jesus yes, (peace be upon him) but also the prophet who followed 600 years later. That’s right. Yesterday it was Prophet Muhammad’s 1,446th birthday (peace be upon him). It isn’t always like that i.e. Muslims and Christians are celebrating the prophets’ birthdays in December. You know why?
Read moreWe Will Wage Peace
I was chilled to the bone. The line outside Cooper Union University was not that long, but the doors hadn’t opened, and at 10:00 am that Monday morning, just standing in line, I was getting a full dose of ‘wind chill’.
‘With all the choices he had, why did the Mayor pick this rather small hall to give his public speech,’