The day I lost my memory is a day I will never remember.
I went through my typical day-in-the-life-of-a-retiree: oatmeal for breakfast, morning at my computer, and dinner of chicken curry with my husband Khalid. A food particle must have tickled my throat and I started to cough. The cough got violent, and Khalid rose and walked over. He may have patted me on the back. The coughing stopped. “I am disoriented,” I said.
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Dear Daddy,
The moment you had been waiting for is almost here. In two weeks, my book is being published. I will rejoice, celebrate with family and friends, and display it upright on my shelf, beaming as everyone compliments the gorgeous book cover. And I will nurse my regrets in silence. If only! If only I had done this years ago! If only I could see you hold it in your hands,
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Ramadan is meant to be a time when we are compelled to be at our best.
It is a time for reflection, when we strive to overcome our weaknesses.
It is a time for prayer, beseeching God to guide us on the right path.
It is a time to overcome temptation, lest we stray.
It is a time to be charitable towards our fellow human beings, to love our neighbor as we would love ourselves,
It is a time when the best in us prevails.
It didn’t work for Omar Mateen, the alleged killer in the Orlando shooting.
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Well, not really, but I am fairly certain that was he.
When Fredrik Backman the novelist walked up to the stage and took a seat, I exchanged a look with my husband. What’s with him? No author, hosted by Barnes & Noble for a book reading, gives the audience a do I really have to do this look. He settled uncomfortably in his chair, asked if he could speak without the mic (Khalid called out ‘mic is better) and he sighed. Now he had this OK so I am here; what else do you want me to do look. And I was wondering if this was going to be what made me come to this event evening.
It was the best book reading ever.
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“Cassius Clay has defeated Sonny Liston,” Daddy announced as he walked into the living room, holding the Pakistan Times. My sister and I were sitting on the rug, doing I don’t remember what. But I do remember looking up, feeling the incredulity in his voice, and wondering what the fuss was about. I was 12, and this was the city of Quetta in northwest Pakistan. We remained sitting, and Daddy remained standing, as we obediently listened to him explain to us who Sonny Liston was, who this Cassius Clay was, what in the world is ‘heavy weight’, and what is the big deal of one boxer winning over another.
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No Muslim is surprised when they hear someone say, “Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Rahim” (In the name of Allah, the gracious, the merciful). So why was I surprised? Because this was not just another Muslim saying Bismillah. It was a Rabbi.
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First impressions are made in one-tenth of a second.
- Your photo: Look friendly. It should make people want to work with you.
- Book Jacket: It should represent you, and your work.
- Website: Get it up & running 6 months before your book is published. Get it professionally done. Readers will judge the quality of your work by the quality of your website.
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Yesterday was Mothers Day. My son called me at 8:00 am, “Happy Mothers Day, Mom.” Relishing the moment, and robotically programmed, I reached out to call Mummy. Then stopped. She won’t take my call. Her phone is cut off. She doesn’t live there anymore.
Mummy stopped talking to me two years ago.
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The phone rang. I woke up with a start and looked at the clock. 3:00 a.m.
Remember the feeling!
Terror: ‘Please God, let it not be bad news.’
Hesitation: ‘I am afraid to answer the phone’.
‘Sorry, wrong number’.
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I must have laughed the hardest as Wajahat Ali made InshAllah jokes at the MUBANY gala (Muslim Bar Association of NY) last week, and I exhaled decades of pent-up exasperation. If you were there, I was the woman at the front table, laughing long after everyone else had stopped, causing heads to turn. Sadly, it wasn’t my looks.
Before I explain, let me first apologize.
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